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A dedicated team

Our experts at your service!

i2S is recognized for its expertise in all stages of the digitization and image quality pipeline, and our experts are on hand to train you on the new standards in image quality.

Let our team teach you about ISO 19264, Metamorfoze and FADGI, and acquire the knowledge you need for your digitization projects.

i2S guidance and expertise

At i2S, our experts will help you with the executive and technical direction of your digitization projects.

Our warranty policy

All our scanners come with a one-year Warranty/Support” contract. This first year is free for our customers.
A “Warranty/Support” contract extension of two years or more can be ordered at the same time as the scanner. A one-year extension of the “Warranty/ Support” contract can also be ordered at the end of the initial period of the “Warranty/Support” contract.

Options are available for customers without a “Warranty/Support” contract. We can offer:

  • The TECHASSIST contract : technical support for 1 year.
  • The EXTSOFT2 contract : software updates for1 year.

Both of these contracts can be ordered directly from i2S if your local distributor cannot offer software support or if you are not a direct customer.

Contact customer support